Friday, January 11, 2008

short annecdote

It's been a while again, but my excuse is that I was on a week long vacation during which I actually did feel like I had vacated my life, I did hardly anything but eat, drink, and read books...Oh and then there was the day that Brenna and I walked from the middle of the island to the coast of the island just to find out that the restaurant we were going to go to was closed and didn't open until was 3. so we walked back. 3 hours of walking total. It was fun though.

Anyway, I can elaborate on that later although there isn't much to tell, so we'll see. Today at work is what the entry was inspired by. I have this little emotion face thing, its basically like a little smiley face flip chart made of construction paper circles folded and glued together with faces representing different emotions (angry, happy, sad, and sleepy), well some of my kids were fighting over it the other day and they ripped apart two of the circles, soooo, today I decided to glue them back together. I got out this glue: (which I remember having in like 2nd grade). I guess it had never been used before, but at the time I didn't know that, so I was squeezing it, but no glue was coming out. So I unscrewed the lid and examined it, I could see that there was a plastic thing covering the hole so I'm trying to poke it with some scissors and a razor knife but its not working so I just squeezed it and boom, off pops the little plastic thing and glue shoots all over my face and into my hair. of course.
i swear, my life is ridiculous.

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